It all started on Wednesday night when Phili, Zach and I decided to head to LA to catch a taping of my favorite TV show at the moment, So You Think You Can Dance. It turned out to be one of the best trips ever. Everything just fell into place.

Entrance to CBS studio where the filming took place. First there was the 7:45am group dance, and then we came back to the live results taping at 3pm. Picture Via
I had a 'moment' with Brandon. Blew kisses at him like the little groupie I am. He smiled and blushed. So adorable.
Dinner @ Bossa Nova's after the 2nd taping.

Met up with Daryl @ Bossa Nova's and had yummy Sangria
Had Pink's at 10:30am to avoid the line. Haha. Zach and Phili never had, and they both loved.
After Pink's we headed to Chinatown and then returned home to the bay.
The very next day, I had volunteering to do at Scholastics, and afterwards, a mini Jr. High Reunion at BJ's.
On Sunday, it was Father's Day and the family traveled to Sacramento to meet up with my grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins to celebrate.
My brother got my dad the shirt. It was a nice day.
The four days were tiring, but it was all so memorable.