Sunday, March 20, 2011

Ipad 2

Wow. It's been almost a year since I've posted anything on this blog. At one point, I had two blogs! Sheez.
Zachary is encouraging me to update more because he actually likes to read what I have to say. Along with that, now that I have my Ipad 2...I really have no excuse. I need to utilize technology!
I guess I just have a hard time condensing what I want to show on this blog. That's why I tried creating another blog - this one for personal (family, friends, places I've been to kinda things) and another for random shopping ventures, stuff I want, etc.

But since it's MY blog after all, I can make it what I want. So hopefully I'll be more diligent.

Since my Ipad is my muse for this is what Zach and I endured to get to it.

4 hours in line at Valley Fair Mall, with a guesstimation of over 500 people ahead of us

Here we are alas

Marley could care less...haha