When I was a kid, I didn't get many gifts or had birthday celebrations. My parents were never into throwing parties and such for us.
Now here I am, much older, and very thankful for the people in my life for making up for those lost childhood moments I kinda longed for. I blame TV for that.
@ work my coworkers lavished me with flowers & goodies, and dim sum. My sister got me this:
one of the main contributors to my bloated stomach this week
Then Zach took me to Santa Barbara :)
My first time there & couldn't have asked for more.
We took Marley with us
Met with Rose & Ryan who happened to be there that weekend & @ the same hotel as us!
Zach bought me the best case for my iPhone (I'm blogging for the first time on my iPhone btw) & he also got me the coveted petal by the metal mbmj bag!
I got the wallet & other bag @ nordie's, courtesy of my brother who got me a gift card there.
We got back yesterday & had dinner @ boiling crab with some family & friends. I had never gone to Boiling Crab, and it was pretty good! Messy, but worth it!
Kira eating plain ole white rice
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